The cast of Bonekickers.
Episode 1: Army Of God début on BBC One on July 8th. Episode 3: The Eternal Fire was just broadcasted this week.
Bonekickers trailer.
If the début episode is anything to go by, I would describe the Bonekickers series as a cross between several of my favourites - National Treasure, The Da Vinci Code, The Mummy, Relic Hunter and a high dose of The Adventures of Indiana Jones. The pace of this first episode is well maintained with screen time spent on introducing the main characters as well as explaining and elaborating the story line.
Most importantly, each episodes is crafted based on "real" history as is known in the "real" archeological world... LOL. I have been intrigue and like movies or stories based on controversial "non-fiction/fiction" literary works like The Blood and The Holy Grail, The Messianic Legacy, Vicars of Christ, The Da Vinci Code and The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception.
This first episode received a lot of negative reviews from all the established critics. So far, I really enjoyed the show and I definitely want to see more! It is entertainment and it is entertaining as it was meant to be.
Julie Graham as Dr Gillian Magwilde.
I am very keen to find out more about Dr Gillian Magwilde, the central character of this series. Her past and the mystery of her mother's legacy is something I look forward to finding out.
I vote you watch it!